As I write this post during the week of Thanksgiving 2020, I have one simple, but powerful, suggestion for you: Just Say Thank You.
Take time this week to reach out to every colleague, every employee, every volunteer (or, if you work in a large organization, as many of those folks as is reasonable), and say Thank You.
Thank you for always bringing your sense of humor to work.
Thank you for being so thorough.
Thank you for asking great questions.
Thank you for pushing me to do my best.
Thank you for the many times you’ve asked if I’d like a cup of coffee.
Thank you for moving meetings to phone when we are both on Zoom overload.
Thank you for responding to emails quickly.
Thank you for asking how my family is doing.
Thank you for noticing if I’m having a tough day.
I can guarantee you that when you thank the people you work and/or volunteer with, they will feel good AND you will feel good.
It’s been a long year. Take time during this week of Thanksgiving to reflect upon what you are really thankful for in each person associated with your nonprofit organization… and then tell them.
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