You’ve been working on a grant proposal for (what seems like) ages. You’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s. You’ve reviewed it over and over again. The submission deadline is coming at you like a freight train.

Are you SURE you are ready to submit it? Like, really, really sure?

Before you hit send, take this easy, free, 7-question quiz to help you figure out if your grant proposal is really, truly ready.

grant proposal ready quiz

I’ve also got some other free tips for you on getting your proposal out the door on time, reasons your proposal may not get funded, and more. There are lots of ideas for you throughout my blog!

Don’t miss out on new ideas and great tips on fundraising, leadership, writing, philanthropy, and lots of related topics. Join the PITCH list to get Lauren’s monthly newsletter delivered straight to your inbox, and get a free gift when you sign up!